I’m so glad that you're here! I truly believe this is a divine appointment. It is time for you to heal from the inside out, come alive, and TRANSFORM! It is truly my honor to walk alongside you in your health and healing journey! I am on a mission to help you find true wholeness, health, and freedom- mind, body, and soul that lasts a lifetime! The best part is all this is possible without obsessing, neglecting, diets, deprivation, or defeat!  

Why am I so passionate about this? It is because I was definitely in your shoes. I was extremely unhealthy in all three areas and had forgotten who I was; my true identity. I was plagued by insecurity and limiting beliefs of what I was capable of and what was possible for my life. I tried every diet, gimmick, and quick fix there was, only to revert back to old patterns and behaviors. I reached my heaviest weight, was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, felt defeated, scared, exhausted, and overwhelmed…           


I lifted my hands in surrender and made the choice to take my life back. I discovered a holistic healing approach-doing the work to heal from the inside out creating a renewed mind, an awakened soul, and a healthy thriving body! 

And now, a decade later, I am still free from disease, free from struggling with weight, and free to live life fully. God used my health issues, and healing journey to draw me near, restore me, and after my own transformation, God is sending me to help lead and teach you how to do the same. And here we are at the birthing of his calling- Transform Health and Wellness! 


I am currently an Integrative Nutrition Practitioner, Holistic Health Coach, Supplementation Practitioner, and hold a degree in Psychology. I am also a certified ACE group fitness instructor, Certified Revelation Wellness® Instructor, & The Wellness Revelation Facilitator®. I was blessed to study under some of the top experts in the fields of health, wellness, and ministry! I am committed to sharing it all with you!

Please know that am I always walking this journey with you friends. You are never alone. Let’s get free, stay free, be whole, and love and serve from a place of abundance! 

I can not wait to see what God does in you and through you as you begin to TRANSFORM and be all God has purposed you to be!!

“Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be TRANSFORMED by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing, and perfect will.” ROMANS 12:1-2 NIV

A Few of my favorite thingS…

I am a Mother of three beautiful children. They are truly my greatest blessing and first ministry. We also have a Miniature Schnauzer named Pumpkin who we love dearly! I adore spending time with God, family, friends, and my church community. 

I love being in nature, sunshine, the beach, music, worship, dancing, cooking/baking nutritious life-giving foods, and continuing education, I love to learn! 

I love to study the Word of God, all about the nervous system and the brain! 

Lastly, but certainly not least, I absolutely am grateful and really enjoy that I get to teach fitness classes. Movement is such a great expression of joy!